Ahhhh one of my favorites. It's finally time to work with Paint 3D. We started with Tinkercad and got to work but now it's time to shift gears to see what this platform can offer us. Let's just jump right in and watch this short video to get you inspired. You will need a Windows 10 computer to use this software or you can download the app onto your tablet.
Once you watch this video you will see the playlist in YouTube of many short videos going over some of the features. It's really a great place to get started to simply see what this program can accomplish with a little work. But there is nothing like just getting started so pick up that mouse and let's learn by doing.
Exercise #1 - Let's create the solar system with all the planets. Some of you have done this before and if you have, this time add some spaceships and aliens into your solar system. Or create your own planet. Is that E.T. I see flying by on a bicycle?! Remember, challenge yourself....you are never finished creating and have some fun with it.

DO NOT just download the planets from the 3d library and place them into your scene. Please create the models from scratch. Learn how to manipulate the size, shape, and spacing of your objects. Use the brush tools to paint your planets and background. That's the fun of Paint 3D that Tinkercad cannot offer. That is the main difference between the two programs.
Have some fun and please upload your image to the facebook page. I would love to see what you're working on. Have a great day and please holler with any questions on Paint 3D.